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    A magnetism was discovered 4,000 years ago, in Greece; until today it was a subject of constant research by science. Effects of magnetic forces, the range of their fields, and processes in which they participated are just one segment of the work. Today, a magnet is defined as a material or object that produces magnetic forces. These forces can attract or repel other magnets, and pulls materials, like iron, cobalt, nickel, etc. The space where magnetic forces are observable is known as the magnetic field.

Symbolic presentation of SBT magnet and its magnetic field.
Image by Casey Horner

SBT magnets

SBT magnets are produced with original SBT technology. To reach the synergy between acupuncture and magnetism, SBT has developed acupuncture SBT magnets. In order to gain best results of acupuncture, we have use specific form that produce different lengths of magnetic forces. Our aim was to create unique magnetic field that can achieve best performances in stimulating acupuncture points. SBT magnets are implemented on all of our products.

What is Magnet therapy?

   Magnetic therapy is a kind of treatment in which magnets are used with the purpose of improving overall wellbeing and treatment of certain conditions. Perhaps we can say that research of magnetism and its influence on health goes in two directions. The first focus is on the human magnetic field and how its changes reflect on health. The idea behind this aspect of therapy is that certain health problems occur because the body’s magnetic fields are imbalanced, thus, returning the balance should improve the wellbeing of the person.

Image by FLY:D 🔶Art Photographer

Human magnetic field (HMF)

It is known that human body is a natural biomagnet. Two organs, the brain and heart, generate ion currents that produces a magnetic field around the body. The heart is the most powerful source of bio-magnetic energy. SQUID-based magnetometers can detect the heart’s magnetic field (HRMF) 3 feet away from the body. The strength of HRMF is 100 times greater than the brain’s magnetic field (BMF).

Image by Halacious

Magnetic properties of hemoglobin

The other aspect of magnet influence on human health is considered on the biochemical body response, usually on the cell level of observation. In the world, the leading causes of death are strokes and heart attacks. They are often connected by high blood viscosity. The American Physical Society has published results of a study,  Reducing blood viscosity with magnetic fields, in which blood exposed to a magnetic field (1.3 T) for a duration of ∼1 min can reduce viscosity by 20%-30%. After the exposure, the blood viscosity slowly, within couple of hours, returns to the original value. A magnetic field can maintain  blood viscosity within the normal range; consequently, magnet technologies have potential for physical therapy and prevention.

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