Acupuncture is an ancient form of traditional Asian healthcare system, where pain and illness are seen as signs of bodily misbalance. According to acupuncture, main meridians (nerve paths) go through hand and then spread throughout body. Wrist area is the narrowest part of the arm and there, main meridians are very close one to another. That’s why many acupuncture points are located here, causing wrist acupuncture vary attractive.
There are 13 acupuncture points on the wrist on which SBT bracelet can be applied. The SBT copper bracelet is acupuncture bracelet made of copper with 5 SBT magnets embedded in it. Easy to wear and discreet; it is suitable for everyday use. The magnets are made with original SBT technology.
Acupuncture points on the wrist:
- Hand pain – On wrist there are several points that cover different skeletomuscular pains. One point on the wrist is effective for hand pain. It is point IC5
- Shoulder pain, upper arm and forearm pain. On the wrist we have three acupuncture points for pain that is located on arm and shoulder. These points are P9, P8, P7. They belong to nerve path of lungs (meridian).
- Rheumatism. In acupuncture rheumatism have its own meridian (nerve path) – Triple warmer. Point TR4 located on the wrist belongs to nerve path of triple warmer.
- Back pain, lumbago and rheumatism of shoulder joint. There are two points that cover these ailments in wrist acupuncture, they are IT5 and IT6.
- Hypertension and neurosis. Heart meridian also goes through wrist and hand. It has four points in the wrist area (C4, C5, C6, C7). In acupuncture these points regulate hypertension and neurosis. These ailments are usually interconnected because stress, anxiety and other emotional disbalances can cause not regular heart functioning and hypertension.
- Arterial circulation, coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, hypertension. Forth meridian that goes through wrist and hand is pericardium meridian. Two points belongs to this nerve path. They are PC6 and PC7.
Note: If bracelet is worn in longer period coloration of skin can happened due to release of microelements of copper. To remove coloration on the skin you can gently wash colored area with a soap.
Note: During time, copper changes its color from reddish-brown over tarnished black-brown to blue-greenish - patina.
SBT copper bracelet
Product info
- copper
- 5 SBT magnet
- adjustable to hand
- wrist acupuncture chart
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