SBT earrings are discreet and unisex earrings, perfect for daily wear. They are light-weight, clip earrings that can be used with or without pierced ears. Each earing contains (1) SBT magnet. SBT magnets are produce in according to SBT technology standards for acupuncture products. Earrings are suitable for auricular therapy. Auricular therapy is type of acupuncture therapy that is apply on earlobe. The 12 main meridians/nerve paths (6 Yang and 6 Yin) are connected with ear directly or indirectly by other divergent meridians. That’s why ear represent entire body and contain several crucial points for acupuncture. Ear acupuncture has a special place in acupuncture, which is evidenced by the fact that it is special branch of acupuncture – auricular acupuncture.
Auricular i.e., acupuncture points on the earlobe:
- Weight loss - On earlobe we have two points that are used for weight loss. The main point for this condition is hunger point. This point is located on vagus nerve; stimulated hunger point can affect the insulin value and suppress the appetite. The effectiveness of this point is supported by TCM and western medicine theory. Stomach point, that is also located on earlobe can be used for stomach discomforts.
- Stress, anxiety, neurosis - Perhaps the most famous acupuncture point on earlobe is Shenmen. The literal translation of this point means “Spirit Gate”. Stimulated Shenmen point brings a balance between spirt, mind and emotions. This point belongs to heart meridian and its official alphabetic code is HT7.
- Quit smoking - Nicotine produces pleasing effects in brain, but these effects are temporary. To overcome unpleasant experience caused by lack of nicotine acupuncture use one point on earlobe that suppress the need for cigarettes. The study shows that acupuncture therapy on earlobe contributed in reducing the number of cigarettes smoked in 61.9% of participants, in reducing the difficult to abstain from smoking in places where it is forbidden by 38% and in not smoking when ill 23.8%.
- Allergy - Acupuncture point for allergy is located on the top of earlobe. Stimulated point induces antiinflammatory reaction in cases of allergies, especially allergic rhinitis, hay fever, but also it is used for other inflammatory conditions such as asthma, inflamed eyes, and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Headache - There are two acupuncture points for headache. One is for front headache, while other for back headache
- High blood pressure - Acupuncture on earlobe is used for normalization of high blood pressure. Point on earlobe responsible for blood pressure can significantly lower both systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP)
SBT earing
Product info
- contain 1 SBT magnet each
- 2 earrings in set
- clip earrings
- chart of acupuncture points on earlobesProperties:
Auricular, acupunctural, magnetic
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